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DIAHEAL-S 500W is a heavy duty shortwave diathermy equipment can be used in hospitals and big clinics. It is mounted in castors to move from place to place. It has plastic moulded multi-position arms set for setting the treatment place without disturbing the patient. Digital timer for setting the treatment time.



With the HYDROCOLLATOR Heating Unit, you can quickly and consistently heat moist heat packs that last up to 30 minutes for pain relief. No need to worry about your heat pack being too hot or too cold – a thermostat in this equipment ensures consistent, reliable temperatures to deliver deep, penetrating pain relief. Its 15-liter

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T-MED 301

T-MED 301

The T-MED 301 is an advanced interferential with Russian and TENS therapy equip- ment in the field of electrotherapy. Simple and easy to operate. All the available types of current and therapy are clearly displayed on a large LCD screen. The corre- sponding parameters are easily set with 9 Soft touch keys. Pre-pragrammed memory with

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The THEROMED D is an advanced and trend setting interferential therapy equipment from HMS R&D. During the development simplicity of operation and patient safety were the principle consideration. All the setting parameters are clearly displayed on a LCD screen. The corresponding parameters are easily set with Soft touch keys. Digital intensity control helps for smooth

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The UNIMUS-5s isasmartand premium combo electrotherapy. lthas morethansixdif- ferenttypes of electrotherapyapplications. Inthe development ofthe unitsimplicity of operation and functionality were the principal consideration. All the available types of current and therapy are clearly displayed on a large LCD screen. The correspond- ing parameters are easily set with five soft touch keys. Pre-programmed memory

T-LASER 203n

T-LASER 203n

The T-LASER 203n is an advanced and modern designed unit for laser therapy with interchangeable laser probe with auto detection. Fully computerised 5” Colour LCD with touch screen display. Laser therapy, also known as photo biomodulation, Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT), cold laser therapy, and as laser biostimulation is an effective method for:



DIAHEAL-l Longwave Diathermy is computerised user friendly product from HMS R&D. Longwave Diathermy treatment based on the capacitor field method. It can work in heavy voltage fluctuation. Longwave can use as a alternative for Shortwave Diathermy Applications. It is portable and light weight.



WALK-MUS is an advanced single channel, Functional electrical stimulator (FES) Foot switch controlled micro controller based stimulator from HMS R& D. It is designed to correct dropped foot in upper motor neurone conditions. Soft touch keys for selec- tion of programs. Built in battery. Indigenous design with international standards. Bright OLED Display for clear view.